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RECLAIM YOUR SELF and FORGIVE In a most Powerful Place
 August, Friday 11 – Thursday 17, 2017



Give new meaning to your life and heal your wound in a 2500 years old healing sanctuary.

This 7 day healing workshop begins with an experiential visit to the ancient Aesculapium [healing place] of Epidaurus in Greece built in 350B.C There, you will experience the strong magnetic pull of this powerful place, where people from all over the Mediterranean got healing and cured of many serious ailments. The beginning of the workshop  will be the first mighty step to a unique 7 day workshop aiming to enhance your decision to heal your life, forgive the past and find a new, deeper meaning to your life.

The next 6 days at the cozy Noosfera Wellness & Retreat Center a group of psychologists will support you to understand your life-trap motives and find your way out to freedom and to the deep relief of forgiveness of oneself and others.

This unique week will give you enough free time for swimming in the blue Mediterranean sea, sharing with the other participants, explore the area and enjoy the nature in an unspoiled spot. Delicious home made organic food and a number of optional recreational activities such as Tai-Chi or Yoga classes, reflexology and massage sessions are enriching your experience.

Is it about your heart or your business relationships? No matter where the answer is needed, travel to the answer you yearn for. Give new meaning to your life, claim the relief of forgiveness and heal your past in the 2500 years old healing sanctuary of Epidaurus.

Facilitators: Ioulia Pitsouli, author of the book “The Secret Odyssey”, journalist & mental health counselor. Maria Xifara, psychologist, psychotherapist.

seminaria-se-alles-perioches17Cost: Early bird up to 3 July 1295 € (plus 24% taxes) all inclusive.
After 3/7 cost 1495 € (plus 24% taxes) all inclusive.
Discount 10% if two people sign together.
Single use of the room + 15 € per day.
Special student’s discounts.

The 6 days workshop “ Reclaim yourself and forgive in a most powerful place”.
> 6 nights accommodation at Noosfera Wellness & Retreat Center in comfortable twin en suite rooms.
> Every day exceptional rich breakfast with organic food from Noosfera’s organic garden.
Lunch & or dinner upon request in additional cost 15€/meal/person vat included.
> Transfer from and to the nearest train station (connecting to Athens airport).
> Round trip to Epidaurus.
> Experiential visit to Epidaurus and ancient sanctuary of Asklepios.
> Entrance fee to the Epidaurus Museum and archeological site of Asklepeion.
> Workshop materials for each participant.
> Three Tai-Chi or body balance classes.
> Half day visit to Trikala picturesque villages.
> One cooking class based on ancient Greek recipes.
> Guided meditations with Hemi-Sync® audio technology.
> Amenities : slippers, shampoo, shower gel, hair dryer.
> Free Wi Fi.
> Free use of the Gym.
> Tips.

Not included: Beverages, Air fares, Anything not mentioned on the included section.

Registration: [email protected]
Tel. +302109603094 – +302743027451
Mob. +30 6937113537

Holistic Vacation-Itinerary

1st Day

Higlhights: Group bonding exercises – opening of the heart

Arrival to Noosfera Wellness & Retreat Center, the ideal place to expand your consciousness, recharge yourself and celebrate life. It has the air of a boutique hotel, though it is not a hotel but a center dedicated to body-mind spirit wellness. A specially designed program, gourmet cuisine, organic food enriched with vegetables from the garden and the friendliest staff will accompany you to an unforgettable transformational journey.
You are welcomed with juice, mountain tea and sweet treatments
Orientation: familiarization with the place, the facilities and briefing on the program.
Come together You are invited to group bonding playful exercises that are giving you the opportunity to meet each other, building up trust through play, fun and laughter. It opens up your heart and helps you come together in a most amazing way.
Lunch*: Home made delicious food enriched with organic vegetables and fresh fruits from Noosfera’s garden.
Free time for relaxation, walking around or optional sessions of reflexology, massage, rejuvance (holistic face massage), exercise at the gym.
Goal setting and Preparation for Epidaurus healing experience. Clarification of the personal as well of the common group goals.
Preparation for Epidaurus: What is all about? Introductive speech (enriched with video and in depth information).
Dinner*:Discover the taste of home made food with ingredients coming right from the gardens of Noosfera and from small local farms.
After dinner sharing of impressions and realizations of the day.

2nd Day

Highlights: -Experiential visit to Ancient Epidaurus sanctuary

Breakfast enriched with home- made jams, bread freshly baked in traditional oven, sweets, health bar, fresh fruits and organic eggs from Noosfera’s chicken house.
epidavros_forweb9:30 depart for Epidaurus. After 1 1/2 – 2 hour drive we arrive to the most sacred of all healing places in the world: the ancient sanctuary of Asklepios the Greek god of Medicine.
The Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus is among UNESCO’s world Heritage Centers. It is the most complete ancient paradigm of holistic healing approach, enveloping mind, body and spirit. Situated in a small valley in the Peloponnesus, the shrine of Asklepios, the god of medicine, developed out of a much earlier cult of Apollo, during the 6th century BC. Its principal monuments, particularly the temple of Asklepios, the Tholos and the Theatre – one of the purest masterpieces of Greek architecture – date from the 4th century BC. The vast site, with its temples and hospital buildings devoted to healing gods of Greek and Roman times is considered a place of pure high energy that empowers healing proses in all levels and were many healing miracles were recorded.
You are guided to a meditative inner and outer exploration with specially printed personal guides facilitating a deep experiential way to get in touch with your inner healer. It is a silent sacred walk around, that lasts from two to three hours, guided step by step. Thus you get in touch with the healing energy of this powerful place gaining personal answers and insights in your life’s issues in a most innovative way.
Lunch* at a local restaurant by the sea.
Return to Noosfera Wellness & Retreat Center.
Free time to rest.
Dinner*: Enjoy Noosfera’s delicious home -made cuisine enriched with fresh herbs and organic summer vegetables from the garden.
After dinner sharing of impressions and realizations of the day.

3rd Day

Highlights: Tai-Chi or Yoga – Dive into the deep healing

Morning Tai Chi exercises : awakening of the body and balancing body, mind, spirit.
Breakfast: Fresh, home- made and tasteful.
Group Session : Opening the heart – broadening the mind . Group session dedicated to the deeper understanding of insights gained during the visit to Asklepios healing sanctuary of Epidaurus.
Free time for walking, exploration of the village and the nearby area or enjoy swimming in the sparkling blue Mediterranean Sea which is only minutes away.
Afternoon Group Session Sharing of realizations and insights that popped up during the sacred walk at Epidaurus healing sanctuary.
Dinner*: Home made with Mediterranean nutritious and tasteful ingredients.
After dinner sharing of impressions and realizations of the day.

4th Day

Highlights: Revealing of the Life Traps –High Tech Meditation – Cooking Lesson

Morning exercises balancing body mind spirit.
Breakfast: Delicious and organic.
Group Session: Revealing the 11 Life Traps. Today we are revealing the 11 life traps that are secretly connected to your life’s difficult issues. Answer the special Life Traps questioner and: find out which one is hunting your life, how it affects your relationships, why you were attracted and trapped in this, and how can you escape. It is a life changing realization and a mighty step towards the happiness and the inner freedom you deserve.
Free time for walking, reading, exploration of the village and the nearby area or enjoy swimming in the sparkling blue Mediterranean Sea.
Cooking lesson: Find out the secrets of Mediterranean Greek cuisine.
Afternoon Group Session: deepen your understanding on the life traps and take the healing tools to use in your every day life. The session includes a High -Tech meditation with Hemi- Sync brain training exercise developed by the Monroe Institute in collaboration with prestigious Universities and NASA scientists. This meditation facilitates the synchronization of the brain hemispheres and the rising of profound states of expanded awareness and stress relief. Share the experience of togetherness as this extraordinary meditation leads the whole group above appearances to the all-encompassing serene meeting-point.
Dinner*: Home made and delicious cooked with Mediterranean nutritious and tasteful ingredients.
After dinner sharing of impressions and realizations of the day.

5th Day

Highlights: A Course in Miracles– Visit to picturesque Trikala

Morning exercises balancing body mind spirit.
Breakfast: Fresh, home made and tasteful.
Group Session on A Course in Miracles, the mind healing ideas that opens up the way and lead you from the life traps to the fulfilling life you were born to live. Forgiveness, the most powerful remedy is presented in a new holistic way.
Free time for walking in the nature, swimming in the sparkling blue Mediterranean sea or enjoying optional sessions of reflexology, massage, rejuvance (holistic face massage), exercise at the gym and divination through ancient Greek or Celtic wisdom.
Afternoon visit to the picturesque villages of Trikala. Their name means three goods, and each of these villages is considered a mountain gem surrounded by pine trees and firs.Walk around, discover the local architecture of the stone build houses and taverns and explore the small local stores.
Dinner*: Enjoy Noosfera’s home- made tasteful cuisine enriched with fresh herbs and organic vegetables from the garden.
After dinner sharing of impressions and realizations of the day.

6th Day

Highlights: Appreciation day Party time

Breakfast: Fresh, home made and tasteful.
In room meditation with headphones. Noosfera Center together with The Monroe Institute in Virginia USA are the only places equipped with the special audio system that permits participants to listen these audio exercises while they are comfortably laying on their bed in the privacy of their room.
Group session: Concluding and combining the realizations, the experiences and the helpful tools gained throughout the previous days. It is the time for appreciation of the inner path that has been traveled, of other co-travelers and of one’s self.
Free time for walking in the nature, swimming in the sparkling blue Mediterranean Sea or enjoying the optional private massage and reflexology sessions offered at Noosfera.
Dinner party*: Tonight we celebrate life with the delicious food of Noosfera, joyous music and dance. It is party time and you are invited!

7th Day

Highlights: Lavender farewell

Breakfast. Fresh, home made and tasteful.
Departure.We greed you good-by with a sachet of lavenders collected from Noosfera’s garden and with the joyof sharing these deep relieving and magnificent days.

*Lunch &/or Dinner (upon request) at additional price: 15 per meal, per person, vat included.

Your guides to this soul trip


Ioulia Pitsouli
Journalist, author and mental health counselor

Ioulia’s focus as a journalist in her numerous articles, radio and tv shows was the bridging of material and spiritual dimensions. Since 1997 she is absorbed in giving lectures and workshops and facilitating groups focused in self awareness and expansion of consciousness, drawing inspiration from the Greek mythology and philosophy as well as from A Course in Miracles. She is a certified Outreach Facilitator of the Monroe Institute and co-founder of Noosfera Wellness & Retreat Center. Ioulia is the author of 6 self –help books: “The Mystic Odyssey,” “Hercules the Hero Within” , “Eros and Psyche” , “The Valley of the Roses 4000 a.D. a critical analysis,” “The Seventh Gate,” and “Greeks, the gods of Egypt”. Together with Maria Xifara and a team of experts are the creators of innovative self- expansion workshops exclusively offered at Noosfera Wellness and Retreat Center.


Maria Xifara
Psychologist – psychotherapist

Maria studied at the University Paris VII, France, and continued her education in the complimentary psychotherapy fields in Hypnosis, EMDR, NLP, Energy Psychology, EFT, TAT. As a psychotherapist  is focused in forgiveness and since 1997 facilitates groups in self -awareness, self-improvement, study of A Course in Miracles and presents relevant experiential seminars and workshops. She is a certified outreach facilitator of the Monroe Institute and the co-founder of Noosfera Center. Together with Ioulia Pitsouli and a team of experts are the creators of innovative self- expansion workshops.

Holistic Vacations
Information – Registration: [email protected]
Tel. +302109603094 – +302743027451
Mob. +30 6937113537


