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From the Monroe Institute, a meditation app unlike any you’ve ever
experienced — relax, de-stress, improve your sleep, and rediscover
feelings of joy that are buried deep inside.

Expand meditations feature guided imagery and Monroe Sound Science technology using
targeted soundwave patterns to tap into specific areas of your conscious and subconscious
minds that can free you from unwanted patterns, stimulate creativity, and foster a greater
sense of meaning and purpose.

FREE Download




  • Expand Features

    • 80+ deeply meaningful guided experiences in expanded awareness
    • Personalized recommendations to meet your specific needs
    • Guided personal reflection and journaling
    • Custom-generated soundscapes targeting specific brainwave states

  Questions? Suggestions? We’d love to hear from you.
Drop us a line at [email protected]
or  [email protected]




For over 40 years, the Monroe Insitute has offered exclusive guided experiences based on Robert Monroe’s seminal research into expanded consciousness. Millions of people worldwide have experienced the power of Monroe techniques, including the impact of soundwave patterns on cognition. Monroe’s guided experiences can be accessed online, on the Institute’s 300-acre Virginia campus, and in scheduled retreats and workshops worldwide. The Monroe Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit research organization dedicated to improving people’s lives through the advanced study and practice of expanded consciousness
